Recipe ingredients
Chop the eggplant into cubes, sprinkle with salt, and leave to drain for 30 minutes to remove the bitterness. Next, rinse and squeeze them well with your hands. Sauté the eggplant in oil with the sliced onion and garlic, and remove the pan from the heat. When the mixture has cooled, add the olives, basil, parsley, feta, chopped tomatoes and the beaten eggs. Season with salt and pepper, and mix well.
Oil the inside of a round baking tin. Take each sheet, one at a time, and brush with oil, spread filling along its length, sprinkle with tranchanas or rice and wrap each sheet into a roll. Place the rolls so they curve around the tin, starting at the outer edge. Continue making rolls until you finish all the ingredients and fill the circle. Brush the pastry with a little oil. Bake in a medium oven (at about 170oC) for about 1 hour.