weather 13°C / 55°F Heraklion

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Fish - Seafood

Moray pichti


Recipe ingredients

  • 1 moray, approx. 2 kilos
  • 0.13gr saffron or 3-4 stamens
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 2 lemons, juiced
  • 3 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon savory
  • White pepper
  • Salt

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Clean, wash and cut the fish into pieces. Next, salt it and put it in a pot with 8 glasses of water, olive oil and the onion to boil. Uncover the pot and boil for about 15 minutes at high temperature. Skim the froth off the top of the pot during boiling. Remove the pot from the fire, take the fish out with a skimmer and pass the broth through a thin colander. Remove the bones from the fish very carefully and return it to its broth. Add the savory, pepper, lemon juice, the slightly grated saffron and a little salt or pepper, if needed. Boil the mixture again in an uncovered pot at high temperature and reduce by half. Empty the mixture in deep dishes and place the pichti in the refrigerator for about 6 hours before serving.

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