weather 13°C / 55°F Chania

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Pies - Kaltsounia



Recipe ingredients

  • 2 kilos spinach or other greens
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • Salt, pepper, spearmint
  • 1 onion


(20-30 servings)

Wash spinach well and chop. Put in an empty pot and cook for 5 minutes, until it shrivels, squeeze it dry with your hands and transfer it into a bowl. Add the finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, spearmint, olive oil and mix. Roll out a pastry sheet in the size of a saucer. Fill each leaf with one tablespoon of the prepared filling, fold it, seal well and fry in hot oil on both sides, or bake in the oven at 180oC. If you bake the kalitsounia in the oven, brush them with beaten yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds beforehand.

Source: Prefecture of Chania

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